Kibbe Body Type Test - Illustrated (With Pictures)
Illustrated Kibbe Test
Since I couldn't find that many Kibbe body type tests with pictures, I decided to make my own.
How I see it:
- Your bone structure is the most important factor in determining your type, and will decide your type in most cases.
- Not everyone will fit a type's description 100% - one or two answers will not make or break your type.
- The stereotypes associated with the types shouldn't be considered when typing.
- The most important factor when typing: which clothing looks best on you.
Disclaimer: Some of the wording has been slightly altered for clarity’s sake and because this is my interpretation of Kibbe's system.
Original test/theory published by David Kibbe, 1987.
Part I - Bone Structure
As your skeleton is the base of your body type, your bone structure will most likely decide which category you fall into.
The size of my head is:
A) Small, relative to the rest of my body
B) Moderately small, relative to the rest of my body
C) Moderate, proportional to the rest of my body
D) Moderately large, relative to the rest of my body
E) Large, relative to the rest of my body
My shoulders are:
A) Sharp, narrow
B) Blunt, possibly broad
C) Moderate, even, neither sharp nor rounded
D) Sloped, tapered, can be slightly sharp at the edges
E) Sloped and rounded
My arms and legs are:
A) Long and narrow (in bones, not flesh)
B) Long and broad (in bones, not flesh)
C) Moderate, even in proportion to my height and torso
D) Slightly short, smallish in bones
E) Small in bones, very short in proportion to my height and torso
My hands and feet are:
A) Long, narrow
B) Large, square-ish or wide
C) Moderate, neither very large nor very small
D) Small, narrow, delicate
E) Small, slightly wide
My jawline is:
A) Sharp, either very pointed or very square
B) Broad, blunt, possibly slightly wide
C) Moderate, neither wide, sharp, nor rounded
D) Delicate, tapered, or slightly narrow
E) Rounded or softly wide
My nose is: (this is mostly about the shape!)
A) Sharp or prominent, possibly narrow
B) Broad or blunt, possibly wide or large
C) Moderate (not very large or small, not very rounded or sharp)
D) Delicate, tapered, narrow
E) Rounded or softly wide
My cheekbones are:
A) High, sharp or prominent
B) Wide
C) Moderate, neither very sharp or rounded
D) Delicate, narrow, and slightly rounded
E) Rounded
Answers for the bone structure:
Vertical line:
Arms & Legs:
Hands & feet:
_A, _B, _C, _D, _E
Mostly A answers: Dramatic skeleton (sharp, long and large bones)
Mostly B answers: Natural skeleton (blunt, long and large bones)
Mostly C answers: Classic skeleton (moderate bones)
Mostly D/E answers: Romantic skeleton (rounded, short bones)
A mixture between A/B + D/E answers: Gamine skeleton (mixture of opposites)
Part II - Flesh and Features
The overall shape of my body is:
A) Long, lean, narrow
B) Broad, tending toward muscular
C) Moderate, evenly proportioned
D) Shapely, a delicate hourglass
E) Very soft, lushly curved, a ripe hourglass
The overall shape of my bust line is:
A) Flat, taut (I never seem to add flesh here, even when overweight)
B) Wide, broad (I add a little flesh here when overweight, but not very much; wider ribcage)
C) Moderate, in even proportion to my waist and hips
D) Shapely, curved, more prominent then my waistline (I tend to add flesh here when overweight)
E) Very prominent (whether I’m thin or heavy, I’m always busty)
The overall shape of my waistline is:
A) Tapered and narrow, but elongated
B) Straight, broad, but elongated
C) Moderate, neither straight or cinched
D) Very small in proportion to my bust and hips, possibly waspish
E) Softly defined and curved, but tends to be slightly wide
The overall shape of my hips is:
A) Tapered, straight, narrow (but I do thicken here when overweight)
B) Straight, slightly tapered, and slightly wide (weight collects on the hips)
C) Moderate, in even proportion to my bust and waist
D) Shapely and rounded, more pronounced then my waistline
E) Extremely soft and rounded (whatever my weight is)
The flesh on my upper arms and thighs are:
A) Long, slender
B) Elongated, tending towards muscular
C) Moderate
D) Soft, slightly short
E) Very soft, slightly wide and fleshy
My eyes are:
A) Narrow, straight, almond-shaped, closely spaced
B) Narrow, straight, wide-set
C) Evenly spaced, moderately sized, proportional
D) Rounded or upturned, slightly close together
E) Very round and very large
My lips are:
A) Straight, narrow, possibly thin-lipped
B) Straight, broad, strong
C) Moderate, even (not very straight, but not very full)
D) Slightly full and rounded
E) Very lush and very rounded
My cheeks are:
A) Flat and taut (and tend to stay tight when overweight)
B) Fairly tight or muscular, but I tend to get a bit puffy when I put on weight (muscles may show through when smiling)
C) Moderate, can be slightly soft
D) Soft and fleshy (gets very full with excess weight)
E) Very round and fleshy (stays round and fleshy even when thin or underweight)
Answers for the flesh category:
Flesh on arms and thighs:
_A, _B, _C, _D, _E
Mostly A answers: Dramatic flesh (taut and straight, not lush)
Mostly B answers: Natural flesh (moderately taut and straight with some width, possibly muscular)
Mostly C answers: Classic flesh (moderate, proportional, balanced between yin and yang)
Mostly D/E answers: Romantic flesh (soft, fleshy, lush)
A mixture between A/B + D/E answers: Gamine flesh (mixture of opposites)
Finding your type:
Again, this is about dominance of a type, not absolutely 100% answers. You only need a tendency.
Which type dominates your bone structure? Which type dominates your flesh?
Dramatic (A) Bones + Dramatic (A) Flesh = Dramatic
Dramatic (A) Bones + Romantic (D&E) Flesh = Soft Dramatic
Natural (B) Bones + Natural (B) Flesh = Natural Type
Natural (B) Bones + Natural (B) Flesh, both with some (A) = Flamboyant Natural
Natural (B) Bones + Mostly Romantic (D&E) Flesh = Soft Natural
Classic (C) Bones + Classic (C) Flesh = Classic Type
Classic (C) Bones with some (A), maybe (B) + Mostly (C) Flesh with some (A/B) = Dramatic Classic
Classic (C) Bones with some (D&E) + Classic (C) Flesh with some (D&E) = Soft Classic
Romantic (D&E) Bones + Romantic (D&E) Flesh = Romantic
Romantic (D&E) Bones with some (A) answers + Romantic (D&E) flesh = Theatrical Romantic
-> Special case: If you have mostly D answers, without too many Es, you're probably a TR.
Mixed Bones + Mixed Flesh = Gamine
Mixed Bones with (A) dominance + Mixed Flesh with strong (D&E) dominance = Soft Gamine
Mixed Bones + Mixed Flesh with some (A&B) dominance: Flamboyant Gamine
-> Note: Most Gamines will NOT have many C answers!!
This is a great test, but I do still have questions. What if I have a Natural Skeleton with Classic Flesh? Does that make me a Dramatic Classic, Soft Natural, or just confused??
AntwortenLöschenI have a question. What if I have romantic skeleton (D,A,C,4E) with classic flesh (4C,3A,D)? Am I soft classic or something?